Driver Profile: Barb Murphy

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Barb Murphy has been competing with her pony Shady H Advanced Warning, or Ray to his friends, and achieving success. Barb says that Ray, a Welsh / Arab cross gelding is the kind of pony who loves to please and gives 110% every time he is asked.

Barb and Ray have an impressive resume including:

  • 2018 - Single Pony Triple Crown, Intermediate level, Champion

  • 2014 - Shady Oaks CDE, Lodi, California - Training Pony and Division Champion

  • 2015 - American Driving Society North American Preliminary Pony Reserve Champion

  • 2016 - Clay Station Festival CDE, Wilton, California - Champion Preliminary Pony and Division Champion

  • Sargents CDE, Lodi, California - Champion Preliminary Pony and Division Champion

  • Shady Oaks CDE, Lodi, California - Tie for first place Pony Division, Preliminary Division Marathon Champion

  • California Triple Crown Preliminary Pony Champion.